Number of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

Published on October 19, 2020 | Last updated on September 09, 2024

How many Sainsbury's stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 1,439 Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom as of September 09, 2024. The country with the most number of Sainsbury's locations in the UK is England, with 1,298 stores, which is about 90% of all Sainsbury's stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,439 Sainsbury's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 Countries with the most Sainsbury's stores


1,298 (90%)

A store for every 43,364 people, in England with about 90% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores


99 (7%)

A store for every 55,182 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores


30 (2%)

A store for every 105,100 people, in Wales with about 2% of the total number of Sainsbury's stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 1,298 (90%) 56.29M 43.36K
Scotland 99 (7%) 5.46M 55.18K
Wales 30 (2%) 3.15M 105.10K
Northern Ireland 12 (1%) 1.89M 157.83K

There are Sainsbury's stores in 4 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any Sainsbury's stores

These countries do not have any Sainsbury's stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man

There are 2 countries without Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Sainsbury's stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 290
Edinburgh Scotland 28
Glasgow Scotland 25
Leeds England 24
Bristol England 24
Nottingham England 23
Manchester England 19
Sheffield England 16
York England 14
Newcastle Upon Tyne England 12

Sainsbury's vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Sainsbury's   vs   Tesco 2,918 (+1,479 locations than Sainsbury's) 5 (+1 states than Sainsbury's) 1,005 (+450 cities than Sainsbury's)
Sainsbury's   vs   ALDI 1,029 ( -410 locations than Sainsbury's) 3 ( -1 states than Sainsbury's) 768 (+213 cities than Sainsbury's)
Sainsbury's   vs   McColl's Retail Group 966 ( -473 locations than Sainsbury's) 3 ( -1 states than Sainsbury's) 495 ( -60 cities than Sainsbury's)
Sainsbury's   vs   Waitrose & Partners 416 ( -1,023 locations than Sainsbury's) 4 (Same as Sainsbury's) 286 ( -269 cities than Sainsbury's)
Sainsbury's   vs   Farmfoods 347 ( -1,092 locations than Sainsbury's) 3 ( -1 states than Sainsbury's) 257 ( -298 cities than Sainsbury's)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Sainsbury's with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Sainsbury's Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Sainsbury's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Hrngy Wst Grn Rd Loc 333-337 West Green Road London England N15 3PB 0330 013 7186 51.58599 -0.09226 333-337 West Green Road, London, England, N15 3PB 2024-09-09
Bath Southgate Loc 2-4 Dorchester Street Bath England BA1 1SS 0330 013 7558 51.37815 -2.35894 2-4 Dorchester Street, Bath, England, BA1 1SS 2024-09-09
Bath Green Park Road Green Park Station Bath England BA1 2DR 01225 444737 51.38116 -2.36876 Green Park Road Green Park Station, Bath, England, BA1 2DR 2024-09-09
Bath Oldfield Pk Loc 54-56 Moorland Road Oldfield Park Bath England BA2 3PJ 0330 013 7579 51.37676 -2.37854 54-56 Moorland Road Oldfield Park, Bath, England, BA2 3PJ 2024-09-09
Winton Loc 501 Wimborne Road Bournemouth England BH9 2AW 0330 013 7535 50.74507 -1.87807 501 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, England, BH9 2AW 2024-09-09
Brghtn Old Stein Loc 13-15 Old Steine Brighton England BN1 1EJ 0330 013 7461 50.82124 -0.13631 13-15 Old Steine, Brighton, England, BN1 1EJ 2024-09-09
Locksbottom Pallant Way Orpington England BR6 8NZ 01689 861334 51.3661 0.05546 Pallant Way, Orpington, England, BR6 8NZ 2024-09-09
Clifton Down Clifton Down Shopping Centre Whiteladies Road Bristol England BS8 2NN 0117 973 0116 51.46409 -2.61093 Clifton Down Shopping Centre Whiteladies Road, Bristol, England, BS8 2NN 2024-09-09
Newry The Quays Newry Northern Ireland BT35 8QS 028 3025 7560 54.16769 -6.3395 The Quays, Newry, Northern Ireland, BT35 8QS 2024-09-09
Archway Station 14 Junction Road Islington London England N19 5RQ 0345 600 4262 51.56488 -0.13528 14 Junction Road Islington, London, England, N19 5RQ 2024-09-09

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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