has a total of 16,249,629 products for sale as of December 2016 vs’s 405,435,416 products. has 4% the number of products that has for sale
Last year, Walmart Management made it clear that they were determined to increase their online sales after their disappointing earnings (here is our post about that) . They seem to be doing just that.
Walmart has increased the number of products they offer online from just 4 million last year to 16.24 million in a span of 20 months. That’s an increase of 300%.
Yet, 16 million products is nothing compared to what has to offer – a massive 405 million products. Over the same time span of 20 months, Amazon added about 49 million products to its offering.
Number of Products by Category on
The largest category on is – “Home” with 5.7 million products, followed by Office and Electronics.
Below is a table with the number of products in each category: