Amazon has a total of 337,173,768 products as on March 7th, 2017
That’s 7% less than February 2017. Amazon had 362 million products on February 4th, 2017.
Top 10 Categories
Just like the preceding month, Digital Music category leads with 66.3 million products. The Home & Kitchen category has overtaken Electronics by 2.1 million products compared to last month as Electronics was leading by a mere 700k products. Electronics has had a minute decline of products(-.28%) while Digital Music has increased by 26%!
Below are the subcategories of Digital Music Category on with the respective number of products.
Prominent Changes Within the last Month
Here is a chart that shows the percentage change in the number of products in each category from February 2017.
Alexa Skills don’t seem to disappoint Amazon customers. An additional 2,822 products(30% more) have been added to their production line. Alexa’s open source nature and its ability to make everyday lives easier are sure signs that they will stay in the e-commerce market. Here is the difference since February 2017.
- 7% less products as compared to February 2017
- Alexa skills increased by 30%
- 11% of Tools &Home Improvement products removed
- Prime eligible items compose 12% of Amazon’s product count