Number of Products sold on February 2017


Amazon has a total of 362,160,574 products as on February 4th, 2017

That’s 5% less than January 2017. Amazon had 398 Million products on January 4, 2017.

Top 10 Categories

The Digital Music category is the largest, with nearly 65.6 Million products. The Digital Music category has surpassed Electronics by 14 million products compared to last month where Electronics was leading Digital Music by 24 million products. This is due to a huge drop (-55%) in the number of products in Electronics. Digital Music has also dropped by 2.6% compared to January


Below are the top 10 subcategories of Digital Music Category on with the respective number of products.




Major Changes compared to January 2017

Here is a chart that shows the percentage change in the number of products in each category from January 2017.



Alexa Skills are still on the rise with an increase of products this month by 25% – about 1800 new skills were added. With Amazon’s major earnings from Alexa enabled devices, it’s sure that these products are likely to continue. alexa skills feb vs jan 2017


The Electronics department, on the other hand has dwindled by a huge amount. Looking at the huge drop in Electronics – almost 30 Million products were removed from Cellphones and Accessories this month. Below is a deeper look at what changed in Electronics and by how much. electronics change feb vs jan 2017


Major Highlights:

  • Increase in Alexa Skills by 25%
  • 5% reduction in number of products compared to January 2017
  • Number of Electronics products dropped by 55%


If you are into detailed data analysis – you can get interactive versions of the charts displayed here from this tableau workbook.

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