Number of Superdrug pharmacies in the United Kingdom in 2024

May 01, 2024

How many Superdrug pharmacies are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 765 Superdrug pharmacies in the United Kingdom as of May 01, 2024. The country with the most number of Superdrug locations in the UK is England, with 642 pharmacies, which is about 84% of all Superdrug pharmacies in the UK.


How can I download a list of Superdrug pharmacies in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 765 Superdrug locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 6 Countries with the most Superdrug pharmacies


642 (84%)

A pharmacy for every 87,674 people, in England with about 84% of the total number of Superdrug pharmacies


65 (8%)

A pharmacy for every 84,046 people, in Scotland with about 8% of the total number of Superdrug pharmacies


31 (4%)

A pharmacy for every 101,710 people, in Wales with about 4% of the total number of Superdrug pharmacies

Country Number of pharmacies Population Population per pharmacy
England 642 (84%) 56.29M 87.67K
Scotland 65 (8%) 5.46M 84.05K
Wales 31 (4%) 3.15M 101.71K
Northern Ireland 25 (3%) 1.89M 75.76K
Isle of Man (0%) 85.00K 85.00K
Channel Islands (0%) 174.00K 174.00K

There are no countries without Superdrug pharmacies in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Superdrug pharmacies in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 12
Glasgow Scotland 10
Edinburgh Scotland 7
Liverpool England 7
Leeds England 6
Birmingham England 6
Brighton England 5
Sheffield England 5
Manchester England 5
Plymouth England 4

Download the complete database of Superdrug Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Superdrug locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Alton High Street Superdrug 75 Alton England GU34 1LG 01420 590718 51.147064 -0.977793 High Street Superdrug 75, Alton, England, GU34 1LG 2024-05-01
Cranleigh The Showroom Superdrug 182 High Street Cranleigh England GU6 8RG 01483 274936 51.141827 -0.492281 The Showroom Superdrug 182 High Street, Cranleigh, England, GU6 8RG 2024-05-01
Sutton High Street Superdrug 150 Sutton England SM1 1LX 020 8643 4905 51.364231 -0.193559 High Street Superdrug 150, Sutton, England, SM1 1LX 2024-05-01
Burnham On Sea High Street Superdrug 19 Burnham On Sea England TA8 1NX 01278 782355 51.234825 -2.997574 High Street Superdrug 19, Burnham On Sea, England, TA8 1NX 2024-05-01
Redruth Fore Street Superdrug 72 Redruth England TR15 2AF 01209 212677 50.233494 -5.227599 Fore Street Superdrug 72, Redruth, England, TR15 2AF 2024-05-01
Bridlington King Street Superdrug 22/24 Bridlington England YO15 2DQ 01262 672344 54.082199 -0.190769 King Street Superdrug 22/24, Bridlington, England, YO15 2DQ 2024-05-01
Lerwick Commercial Street Superdrug 102 Lerwick Scotland ZE1 0EX 01595 720099 60.15428731 -1.1433195 Commercial Street Superdrug 102, Lerwick, Scotland, ZE1 0EX 2024-05-01
Doncaster Frenchgate Sc Frenchgate Shopping Centre Superdrug Unit 21 Doncaster England DN1 1LF 01302 369227 53.5236277 -1.13905462 Frenchgate Shopping Centre Superdrug Unit 21, Doncaster, England, DN1 1LF 2024-05-01
Birkenhead Grange Road Superdrug 205 Birkenhead England CH41 2PF 0151 647 1002 53.389805 -3.020706 Grange Road Superdrug 205, Birkenhead, England, CH41 2PF 2024-05-01
Exmouth Chapel Street Superdrug 28-30 Exmouth England EX8 1HW 01395 267052 50.619118 -3.412223 Chapel Street Superdrug 28-30, Exmouth, England, EX8 1HW 2024-05-01

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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