Number of Subway locations in United Arab Emirates in 2024

Published on May 27, 2023 | Last updated on April 11, 2024

How many Subway locations are there in United Arab Emirates?

There are 100 Subway locations in United Arab Emirates as of April 11, 2024. The emirate with the most number of Subway locations in UAE is Dubai, with 51 locations, which is about 51% of all Subway locations in UAE.


How can I download a list of Subway locations in United Arab Emirates into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 100 Subway locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 7 Emirates with the most Subway locations


51 (51%)

A location for every 81,902 people, in Dubai with about 51% of the total number of Subway locations

Abu Dhabi

29 (29%)

A location for every 96,000 people, in Abu Dhabi with about 29% of the total number of Subway locations


11 (11%)

A location for every 215,818 people, in Sharjah with about 11% of the total number of Subway locations

Emirate Number of locations Population Population per location
Dubai 51 (51%) 4.18M 81.90K
Abu Dhabi 29 (29%) 2.78M 96.00K
Sharjah 11 (11%) 2.37M 215.82K
Ajman (4%) 505.00K 126.25K
Fujairah (2%) 256.00K 128.00K
Umm Al Quwain (2%) 72.00K 36.00K
Ras Al Khaimah (1%) 417.00K 417.00K

There are no emirates without Subway locations in United Arab Emirates

Cities with the most number of Subway locations in United Arab Emirates

City Emirate Number of Locations
Dubai Dubai 51
Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 27
Sharjah Sharjah 9
Ajman Ajman 4
Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 2
Al Ain Abu Dhabi 2
Fujairah Fujairah 2
Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah 1
Khor Fakkan Sharjah 1
Kalba Sharjah 1

Subway vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Subway   vs   KFC 206 (+106 locations than Subway) 7 (Same as Subway) 10 ( Same as Subway)
Subway   vs   Domino's 66 ( -34 locations than Subway) 7 (Same as Subway) 9 ( -1 cities than Subway)
Subway   vs   Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen 38 ( -62 locations than Subway) 3 ( -4 states than Subway) 4 ( -6 cities than Subway)
Subway   vs   Shake Shack 16 ( -84 locations than Subway) 3 ( -4 states than Subway) 3 ( -7 cities than Subway)
Subway   vs   Five Guys 13 ( -87 locations than Subway) 3 ( -4 states than Subway) 3 ( -7 cities than Subway)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Subway with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Subway Locations in UAE

You can download the full list of Subway locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Emirate Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Along Shk Mohd Bin Zayed Road Along Shk Mohd Bin Zayed Road Service Station 798 Adnoc Gas Station/C-Store Umm Al Quwain Umm Al Quwain 27888 06 767 9922 25.5024 55.695 Along Shk Mohd Bin Zayed Road Service Station 798 Adnoc Gas Station/C-Store, Umm Al Quwain, 27888 UAE 2024-04-11
Opposite Of Dubai Mall Opposite Of Dubai Mall Ground Floor Building 4 Emaar Square Dubai Dubai 191741 04 443 4200 25.2003 55.2743 Opposite Of Dubai Mall Ground Floor Building 4 Emaar Square, Dubai, 191741 UAE 2024-04-11
Airport Road, Food Court Airport Road Food Court Shop No 312 Mushrif Mall Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 4048 02 491 7244 24.434 54.4124 Airport Road Food Court Shop No 312 Mushrif Mall, Abu Dhabi, 4048 UAE 2024-04-11
Food Court Food Court Second Floor Khalidiyah Mall Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi 51133 02 639 0512 24.4702 54.3517 Food Court Second Floor Khalidiyah Mall, Abu Dhabi, 51133 UAE 2024-04-11
Plot #251-2983 At Before Plot 251-2983 At Before Mushrif Park Eppco Site 89 Eppco Station Al Khawaneej Dubai Dubai 5589 04 344 9371 25.2327 55.4354 Plot 251-2983 At Before Mushrif Park Eppco Site 89 Eppco Station Al Khawaneej, Dubai, 5589 UAE 2024-04-11
Jafza Jafza Lobby 16 Jabel Ali Free Zone Area Dubai Dubai 16888 24.987 55.0905 Jafza Lobby 16 Jabel Ali Free Zone Area, Dubai, 16888 UAE 2024-04-11
Zahra Apartments Zahra Apartments Retail No 3a Nshama Town Square Dubai Dubai 27950 25.0097 55.2897 Zahra Apartments Retail No 3a Nshama Town Square, Dubai, 27950 UAE 2024-04-11
Difc Gate Drive Difc Gate Drive Ground Floor Liberty House Dubai Dubai 29193 04 358 9925 25.2088 55.277 Difc Gate Drive Ground Floor Liberty House, Dubai, 29193 UAE 2024-04-11
Jumeirah Beach Residence Jumeirah Beach Residence Gound Floor Amwaj Shop4 The Walk At Dubai Dubai 500388 04 425 5777 25.0733 55.1318 Jumeirah Beach Residence Gound Floor Amwaj Shop4 The Walk At, Dubai, 500388 UAE 2024-04-11
Jebel Ali Port Jebel Ali Port Jafza Uso Food Court Dubai Dubai 17703 24.9783 55.0493 Jebel Ali Port Jafza Uso Food Court, Dubai, 17703 UAE 2024-04-11

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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