Number of Lidl stores in Spain in 2024

January 02, 2024

How many Lidl stores are there in Spain?

There are 588 Lidl stores in Spain as of January 02, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Lidl locations in Spain is Madrid, with 83 stores, which is about 14% of all Lidl stores in Spain.


How can I download a list of Lidl stores in Spain into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 588 Lidl locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Lidl stores


83 (14%)

A store for every 81,337 people, in Madrid with about 14% of the total number of Lidl stores


82 (14%)

A store for every 69,695 people, in Barcelona with about 14% of the total number of Lidl stores


34 (6%)

A store for every 55,353 people, in Alicante with about 6% of the total number of Lidl stores

Province / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Madrid 83 (14%) 6.75M 81.34K
Barcelona 82 (14%) 5.71M 69.69K
Alicante 34 (6%) 1.88M 55.35K
Málaga 31 (5%) 1.70M 54.71K
Valencia 31 (5%) 2.59M 83.52K
Balearic Islands 30 (5%) 1.17M 39.10K
Seville 27 (5%) 1.95M 72.15K
Cádiz 21 (4%) 1.25M 59.33K
Girona 19 (3%) 787.00K 41.42K
Tarragona 19 (3%) 822.00K 43.26K

There are Lidl stores in 51 provinces and territories in Spain

Provinces and Territories without any Lidl stores

These provinces and territories do not have any Lidl stores

  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife
  • Las Palmas
  • Asturias

There are 3 provinces and territories without Lidl stores in Spain

Cities with the most number of Lidl stores in Spain

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Madrid Madrid 40
Barcelona Barcelona 27
Sevilla Seville 10
Málaga Málaga 9
Valencia Valencia 8
Palma De Mallorca Balearic Islands 6
Zaragoza Zaragoza 6
Alcalá De Henares Madrid 5
Murcia Murcia 5
Alicante Alicante 5

Download the complete database of Lidl Locations in Spain

You can download the full list of Lidl locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Lidl Boiro Ctra De Cimadevila S/N Boiro A Coruña 15930 42.65575 -8.87582 Ctra De Cimadevila S/N, Boiro, A Coruña, 15930 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Ribeira Avda Da Coruña 213 Ribeira A Coruña 15960 42.57058 -8.98151 Avda Da Coruña 213, Ribeira, A Coruña, 15960 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Almansa Avda Adolfo Suárez 43 Almansa Albacete 02640 38.86157 -1.08645 Avda Adolfo Suárez 43, Almansa, Albacete, 02640 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Albacete C/ Saturnino Calleja 5 Albacete Albacete 02006 39.00742 -1.87782 C/ Saturnino Calleja 5, Albacete, Albacete, 02006 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Villarrobledo Avda De Los Reyes Católicos 103 Villarrobledo Albacete 02600 39.27435 -2.59312 Avda De Los Reyes Católicos 103, Villarrobledo, Albacete, 02600 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Hellín Ctra De Jaén 20 Hellín Albacete 02400 38.50636 -1.70766 Ctra De Jaén 20, Hellín, Albacete, 02400 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Petrer Avda Del Mediterráneo 59 Petrer Alicante 03610 38.46838 -0.78791 Avda Del Mediterráneo 59, Petrer, Alicante, 03610 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Jávea C/ Jorge Luis Borges 14 Jávea Alicante 03730 38.78872 0.17182 C/ Jorge Luis Borges 14, Jávea, Alicante, 03730 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl El Campello Avda San Bartolomé 21 El Campello Alicante 03560 38.4215 -0.39263 Avda San Bartolomé 21, El Campello, Alicante, 03560 Spain 2024-01-02
Lidl Santiago De Compostela Rúa Eslovenia 2 Santiago De Compostela A Coruña 15707 42.9011 -8.51055 Rúa Eslovenia 2, Santiago De Compostela, A Coruña, 15707 Spain 2024-01-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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