Number of Hungry Jack's locations in Australia in 2024

Published on June 30, 2021 | Last updated on August 20, 2024

How many Hungry Jack's locations are there in Australia?

There are 467 Hungry Jack's locations in Australia as of August 20, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Hungry Jack's locations in Australia is Victoria, with 111 locations, which is about 24% of all Hungry Jack's locations in Australia.


How can I download a list of Hungry Jack's locations in Australia into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 467 Hungry Jack's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 8 States and Territories with the most Hungry Jack's locations


111 (24%)

A location for every 60,018 people, in Victoria with about 24% of the total number of Hungry Jack's locations


104 (22%)

A location for every 49,952 people, in Queensland with about 22% of the total number of Hungry Jack's locations

New South Wales

104 (22%)

A location for every 78,587 people, in New South Wales with about 22% of the total number of Hungry Jack's locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Victoria 111 (24%) 6.66M 60.02K
Queensland 104 (22%) 5.20M 49.95K
New South Wales 104 (22%) 8.17M 78.59K
Western Australia 74 (16%) 2.67M 36.08K
South Australia 55 (12%) 1.77M 32.20K
Tasmania (2%) 542.00K 67.75K
Australian Capital Territory (1%) 432.00K 72.00K
Northern Territory (1%) 247.00K 49.40K

There are no states and territories without Hungry Jack's locations in Australia

Cities with the most number of Hungry Jack's locations in Australia

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Melbourne Victoria 5
Adelaide South Australia 4
Sydney New South Wales 3
Griffith New South Wales 2
Marulan New South Wales 2
Mascot New South Wales 2
Rockhampton Queensland 2
Bendigo Victoria 2
Maroochydore Queensland 2
Blacktown New South Wales 2

Hungry Jack's vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Hungry Jack's   vs   Subway 1,232 (+765 locations than Hungry Jack's) 8 (Same as Hungry Jack's) 1,014 (+579 cities than Hungry Jack's)
Hungry Jack's   vs   McDonald's 1,044 (+577 locations than Hungry Jack's) 8 (Same as Hungry Jack's) 860 (+425 cities than Hungry Jack's)
Hungry Jack's   vs   KFC 771 (+304 locations than Hungry Jack's) 8 (Same as Hungry Jack's) 633 (+198 cities than Hungry Jack's)
Hungry Jack's   vs   Dominos Pizza 726 (+259 locations than Hungry Jack's) 8 (Same as Hungry Jack's) 705 (+270 cities than Hungry Jack's)
Hungry Jack's   vs   Barbell Foods 589 (+122 locations than Hungry Jack's) 8 (Same as Hungry Jack's) 475 (+40 cities than Hungry Jack's)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Hungry Jack's with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Hungry Jack's Locations in Australia

You can download the full list of Hungry Jack's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Conder Lanyon Marketplace 4 Sidney Nolan Drive Conder ACT 2906 -35.4571983 149.0925096 Lanyon Marketplace 4 Sidney Nolan Drive, Conder, ACT, 2906 Australia 2024-08-20
Armidale 115-117 Dumaresg Street Armidale NSW 2350 -30.51217 151.668973 115-117 Dumaresg Street, Armidale, NSW, 2350 Australia 2024-08-20
Gungahlin Cnr Gundaroo Dr & Gibberson St Gungahlin ACT 2912 -35.183546 149.126783 Cnr Gundaroo Dr & Gibberson St, Gungahlin, ACT, 2912 Australia 2024-08-20
Kambah Lot 13 60 Jenke Circuit Kambah ACT 2902 -35.395999 149.071103 Lot 13 60 Jenke Circuit, Kambah, ACT, 2902 Australia 2024-08-20
Belconnen 108 Emu Bank Rd Belconnen ACT 2617 -35.23632 149.070392 108 Emu Bank Rd, Belconnen, ACT, 2617 Australia 2024-08-20
Queanbeyan 7 Atkinson Street Queanbeyan ACT 2620 -35.350155 149.240244 7 Atkinson Street, Queanbeyan, ACT, 2620 Australia 2024-08-20
Fyshwick Cnr Newcastle St & Wollongong St Fyshwick ACT 2608 -35.327921 149.17802 Cnr Newcastle St & Wollongong St, Fyshwick, ACT, 2608 Australia 2024-08-20
South Coffs Harbour Shop 3 399 Pacific Hwy South Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 -30.31912 153.089439 Shop 3 399 Pacific Hwy, South Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450 Australia 2024-08-20
Griffith(Relocation) 27 Banna Avenue Griffith NSW 2680 -34.288553 146.060508 27 Banna Avenue, Griffith, NSW, 2680 Australia 2024-08-20
Melbourne Airside Terminal 2 Airside Shop 5 Melbourne Int Airport VIC 3045 -37.668674 144.850485 Terminal 2 Airside Shop 5, Melbourne Int Airport, VIC, 3045 Australia 2024-08-20

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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