Number of TK Maxx stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

May 02, 2024

How many TK Maxx stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 358 TK Maxx stores in the United Kingdom as of May 02, 2024. The country with the most number of TK Maxx locations in the UK is England, with 298 stores, which is about 83% of all TK Maxx stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of TK Maxx stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 358 TK Maxx locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Countries with the most TK Maxx stores


298 (83%)

A store for every 188,883 people, in England with about 83% of the total number of TK Maxx stores


33 (9%)

A store for every 165,545 people, in Scotland with about 9% of the total number of TK Maxx stores


15 (4%)

A store for every 210,200 people, in Wales with about 4% of the total number of TK Maxx stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 298 (83%) 56.29M 188.88K
Scotland 33 (9%) 5.46M 165.54K
Wales 15 (4%) 3.15M 210.20K
Northern Ireland 11 (3%) 1.89M 172.18K
Isle of Man (0%) 85.00K 85.00K

Countries without any TK Maxx stores

These countries do not have any TK Maxx stores

  • Channel Islands

There are 1 countries without TK Maxx stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of TK Maxx stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 28
Edinburgh Scotland 6
Sheffield England 5
Glasgow Scotland 5
Nottingham England 4
Leeds England 4
Liverpool England 4
Manchester England 3
Belfast Northern Ireland 3
Birmingham England 3

TK Maxx vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
TK Maxx   vs   Marks & Spencer 1,060 (+702 locations than TK Maxx) 5 (Same as TK Maxx) 644 (+377 cities than TK Maxx)
TK Maxx   vs   Office 76 ( -282 locations than TK Maxx) 3 ( -2 states than TK Maxx) 50 ( -217 cities than TK Maxx)
TK Maxx   vs   Levi's 71 ( -287 locations than TK Maxx) 4 ( -1 states than TK Maxx) 50 ( -217 cities than TK Maxx)
TK Maxx   vs   Banana Republic 56 ( -302 locations than TK Maxx) 4 ( -1 states than TK Maxx) 39 ( -228 cities than TK Maxx)
TK Maxx   vs   Nike 40 ( -318 locations than TK Maxx) 3 ( -2 states than TK Maxx) 32 ( -235 cities than TK Maxx)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing TK Maxx with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of TK Maxx Locations in UK

You can download the full list of TK Maxx locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Birkenhead 178-182 Grange Road Birkenhead England CH41 2PF 0151 647 2837 53.38985443 -3.02604604 178-182 Grange Road, Birkenhead, England, CH41 2PF 2024-05-02
Chester - Chester Retail Park Unit 3 Chester Retail Park Chester England CH1 4RY 01244 399966 53.19631958 -2.91068912 Unit 3 Chester Retail Park, Chester, England, CH1 4RY 2024-05-02
Chester St Michaels Square Grosvenor Shopping Centre Chester England CH1 1EE 01244 340982 53.18965912 -2.88995409 St Michaels Square Grosvenor Shopping Centre, Chester, England, CH1 1EE 2024-05-02
Bromborough Unit J The Croft Retail & Leisure Park Welton Rd Birkenhead England CH62 3PN 0151 294 6018 53.34095383 -2.97942996 Unit J The Croft Retail & Leisure Park Welton Rd, Birkenhead, England, CH62 3PN 2024-05-02
Hereford 9b Auctioneers Walk Hereford England HR4 9HT 01432 263558 52.05884552 -2.71810389 9b Auctioneers Walk, Hereford, England, HR4 9HT 2024-05-02
Shrewsbury Unit 8 Meole Brace Retail Park Shrewsbury England SY3 9NB 01743 341370 52.69018936 -2.75213909 Unit 8 Meole Brace Retail Park, Shrewsbury, England, SY3 9NB 2024-05-02
Dumfries Units 5-6 Peel Centre Retail Park Lockerbie Road Dumfries Scotland DG1 3PF 01387 255515 55.07369232 -3.58377194 Units 5-6 Peel Centre Retail Park Lockerbie Road, Dumfries, Scotland, DG1 3PF 2024-05-02
Galashiels Unit 1 Low Buckholmside Galashiels Scotland TD1 1DD 01896 755436 55.62065887 -2.81325197 Unit 1 Low Buckholmside, Galashiels, Scotland, TD1 1DD 2024-05-02
Bangor - Wales C Menai Retail Park Bangor Wales LL57 4SJ 01248 371980 53.21124649 -4.1497879 C Menai Retail Park, Bangor, Wales, LL57 4SJ 2024-05-02
Edinburgh - Meadowbank Meadowbank Retail Park Edinburgh Scotland EH7 5TS 0131 661 6611 55.95808792 -3.16620398 Meadowbank Retail Park, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH7 5TS 2024-05-02

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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