Number of TGI Fridays restaurants in the United Kingdom in 2024

April 25, 2024

How many TGI Fridays restaurants are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 86 TGI Fridays restaurants in the United Kingdom as of April 25, 2024. The country with the most number of TGI Fridays locations in the UK is England, with 73 restaurants, which is about 85% of all TGI Fridays restaurants in the UK.


How can I download a list of TGI Fridays restaurants in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 86 TGI Fridays locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 4 Countries with the most TGI Fridays restaurants


73 (85%)

A restaurant for every 771,055 people, in England with about 85% of the total number of TGI Fridays restaurants


8 (9%)

A restaurant for every 682,875 people, in Scotland with about 9% of the total number of TGI Fridays restaurants


4 (5%)

A restaurant for every 788,250 people, in Wales with about 5% of the total number of TGI Fridays restaurants

Country Number of restaurants Population Population per restaurant
England 73 (85%) 56.29M 771.05K
Scotland (9%) 5.46M 682.88K
Wales (5%) 3.15M 788.25K
Channel Islands (1%) 174.00K 174.00K

There are TGI Fridays restaurants in 4 countries in the United Kingdom

Countries without any TGI Fridays restaurants

These countries do not have any TGI Fridays restaurants

  • Isle of Man
  • Northern Ireland

There are 2 countries without TGI Fridays restaurants in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of TGI Fridays restaurants in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 3
Leeds England 3
Glasgow Scotland 3
Manchester England 2
Cardiff Wales 2
Southampton England 2
Liverpool England 2
Edinburgh Scotland 2
Bristol England 2
Watford England 2

Download the complete database of TGI Fridays Locations in UK

You can download the full list of TGI Fridays locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Tgi Fridays Aberdeen Beach Esplanade Sea Beach Aberdeen Scotland AB24 5NS 0330 460 5566 57.1510024 -2.0780776 Esplanade Sea Beach, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB24 5NS 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Cheshire Oaks Kinsey Road Ellesmere Port England CH65 9JY 0330 460 5559 53.2621764 -2.8807129 Kinsey Road, Ellesmere Port, England, CH65 9JY 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Newport Friars Walk 61 Usk Plaza Friars Walk Shopping Centre Newport Wales NP20 1DS 0330 460 5527 51.58644316 -2.99257278 61 Usk Plaza Friars Walk Shopping Centre, Newport, Wales, NP20 1DS 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Aberdeen Union Square 14/15 First Level Mall Union Square Guild Square Aberdeen Scotland AB11 5RG 0330 460 5512 57.1479867 -2.0934585 14/15 First Level Mall Union Square Guild Square, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB11 5RG 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Birmingham 180 Hagley Road Birmingham England B16 9NY 0330 460 5501 52.4712095 -1.9409979 180 Hagley Road, Birmingham, England, B16 9NY 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Sutton Coldfield 4 Newhall Walk Sutton Coldfield England B72 1RX 0330 460 5554 52.561407 -1.8227835 4 Newhall Walk, Sutton Coldfield, England, B72 1RX 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Solihull 23 MIll Lane Arcade Touchwood Solihull England B91 3GS 0330 460 5569 52.4124038 -1.7793879 23 MIll Lane Arcade Touchwood, Solihull, England, B91 3GS 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Birmingham Nec Unit Lg01 Resorts World Pendigo Way Birmingham England B40 1NT 0330 460 5505 52.4489019 -1.719964 Unit Lg01 Resorts World Pendigo Way, Birmingham, England, B40 1NT 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Bournemouth Exeter Crescent Bournemouth England BH2 5DD 0330 460 5532 50.718676 -1.879671 Exeter Crescent, Bournemouth, England, BH2 5DD 2024-04-25
Tgi Fridays Castleford Xscape Colorado Way Castleford England WF10 4TA 0330 460 5516 53.7103391 -1.3421451 Xscape Colorado Way, Castleford, England, WF10 4TA 2024-04-25

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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