Number of Rent-A-Wreck locations in the United States in 2024

Last updated on June 07, 2024

How many Rent-A-Wreck locations are there in the United States?

There are 45 Rent-A-Wreck locations in the United States as of June 07, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Rent-A-Wreck locations in the US is New Jersey, with 12 locations, which is about 27% of all Rent-A-Wreck locations in the US.


How can I download a list of Rent-A-Wreck locations in the United States into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 45 Rent-A-Wreck locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Rent-A-Wreck locations

New Jersey

12 (27%)

A location for every 740,167 people, in New Jersey with about 27% of the total number of Rent-A-Wreck locations


5 (11%)

A location for every 7,902,400 people, in California with about 11% of the total number of Rent-A-Wreck locations


3 (7%)

A location for every 4,267,333 people, in Pennsylvania with about 7% of the total number of Rent-A-Wreck locations

State / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
New Jersey 12 (27%) 8.88M 740.17K
California (11%) 39.51M 7.90M
Pennsylvania (7%) 12.80M 4.27M
Maryland (7%) 6.05M 2.02M
Washington (4%) 7.62M 3.81M
Connecticut (4%) 3.56M 1.78M
Maine (4%) 1.34M 672.00K
Michigan (4%) 9.99M 4.99M
New York (4%) 19.45M 9.73M
Ohio (4%) 11.69M 5.84M

There are Rent-A-Wreck locations in 20 states and territories in the United States

States and Territories without any Rent-A-Wreck locations

These states and territories do not have any Rent-A-Wreck locations

  • West Virginia
  • Oklahoma
  • District of Columbia
  • Wyoming
  • American Samoa
  • Oregon
  • Guam
  • South Carolina
  • Wisconsin
  • Arizona
  • Kansas
  • Georgia
  • Rhode Island
  • New Mexico
  • Delaware
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Northern Mariana Islands
  • Minnesota
  • Idaho
  • New Hampshire
  • Hawaii
  • Missouri
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • Massachusetts
  • Virginia
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
  • Arkansas
  • Vermont
  • Alabama
  • Nebraska
  • Utah
  • Louisiana
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Colorado

There are 37 states and territories without Rent-A-Wreck locations in the United States

Cities with the most number of Rent-A-Wreck locations in the United States

City State / Territory Number of Locations
Latrobe Pennsylvania 2
Newark New Jersey 2
San Francisco California 1
Glen Burnie Maryland 1
Gorman California 1
Canton Michigan 1
Warren Michigan 1
Rockville Maryland 1
Miami Florida 1
Burbank Illinois 1

Download the complete database of Rent-A-Wreck Locations in USA

You can download the full list of Rent-A-Wreck locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Car Rental In Parsippany 141 North Beverwyck Road Lake Hiawatha NJ 07034 973-299-9339 40.88500977 -74.38167572 141 North Beverwyck Road, Lake Hiawatha, NJ, 07034 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Morristown 67 Spring Street Morristown NJ 07960 973-285-1185 40.76924896 -74.50743866 67 Spring Street, Morristown, NJ, 07960 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Emerson 39 Chestnut St Emerson NJ 07630 201-523-9922 40.97930908 -74.02654266 39 Chestnut St, Emerson, NJ, 07630 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Watertown 19079 Us-11 Watertown NY 13601 315-788-8412 43.97478485 -75.91075897 19079 Us-11, Watertown, NY, 13601 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In San Juan 10200 Calle Celestial Marginal Los Angeles Lot C Carolina PR 00979 787-726-7350 18.43110466 -65.99821472 10200 Calle Celestial Marginal Los Angeles Lot C, Carolina, PR, 00979 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Rapid City 1600 East Hwy 44 Rapid City SD 57703 605-348-3050 44.07962036 -103.1860733 1600 East Hwy 44, Rapid City, SD, 57703 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Seattle 3000 South 176th St Seatac WA 98188 206-922-3713 47.44545364 -122.29409027 3000 South 176th St, Seatac, WA, 98188 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Lakewood 9313 South Tacoma Way Lakewood WA 98499 253-584-1833 47.17274475 -122.48266602 9313 South Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA, 98499 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Newark - Local 1142 Broad Street Newark NJ 07114 973-361-3044 40.72244263 -74.17957306 1142 Broad Street, Newark, NJ, 07114 USA 2024-06-07
Car Rental In Airport - Ewr - Newark 3 Brewster Road Unit 3 Newark NJ 07114 973-285-1185 40.68743134 -74.1877594 3 Brewster Road Unit 3, Newark, NJ, 07114 USA 2024-06-07

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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