Number of National Car Rental locations in the United States in 2024
How many National Car Rental locations are there in the United States?
There are 305 National Car Rental locations in the United States as of April 04, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of National Car Rental locations in the US is Florida, with 30 locations, which is about 10% of all National Car Rental locations in the US.
How can I download a list of National Car Rental locations in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 305 National Car Rental locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most National Car Rental locations
30 (10%)
A location for every 715,933 people, in Florida with about 10% of the total number of National Car Rental locations
24 (8%)
A location for every 1,646,333 people, in California with about 8% of the total number of National Car Rental locations
21 (7%)
A location for every 1,380,762 people, in Texas with about 7% of the total number of National Car Rental locations
State / Territory | Number of locations | Population | Population per location |
Florida | 30 (10%) | 21.48M | 715.93K |
California | 24 (8%) | 39.51M | 1.65M |
Texas | 21 (7%) | 29.00M | 1.38M |
New York | 15 (5%) | 19.45M | 1.30M |
Pennsylvania | 12 (4%) | 12.80M | 1.07M |
Michigan | 12 (4%) | 9.99M | 832.25K |
Illinois | 10 (3%) | 12.67M | 1.27M |
North Carolina | 9 (3%) | 10.49M | 1.17M |
Wisconsin | 8 (3%) | 5.82M | 727.75K |
Colorado | 8 (3%) | 5.76M | 719.88K |
There are National Car Rental locations in 54 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any National Car Rental locations
These states and territories do not have any National Car Rental locations
- American Samoa
- Guam
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
There are 4 states and territories without National Car Rental locations in the United States
Cities with the most number of National Car Rental locations in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
San Francisco | California | 4 |
Chicago | Illinois | 3 |
Houston | Texas | 3 |
Orlando | Florida | 3 |
New York | New York | 3 |
Tampa | Florida | 2 |
Boston | Massachusetts | 2 |
Swanton | Ohio | 2 |
Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 2 |
Dallas | Texas | 2 |
National Car Rental vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
National Car Rental | vs | Enterprise Rent a Car | 4,138 (+3,833 locations than National Car Rental) | 52 (Same as National Car Rental) | 2,244 (+1,965 cities than National Car Rental) |
National Car Rental | vs | Hertz | 2,719 (+2,414 locations than National Car Rental) | 51 ( -1 states than National Car Rental) | 1,180 (+901 cities than National Car Rental) |
National Car Rental | vs | Avis Car Rental | 1,443 (+1,138 locations than National Car Rental) | 51 ( -1 states than National Car Rental) | 921 (+642 cities than National Car Rental) |
National Car Rental | vs | Budget | 1,312 (+1,007 locations than National Car Rental) | 53 (+1 states than National Car Rental) | 853 (+574 cities than National Car Rental) |
National Car Rental | vs | Budget Truck Rental | 790 (+485 locations than National Car Rental) | 48 ( -4 states than National Car Rental) | 624 (+345 cities than National Car Rental) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing National Car Rental with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of National Car Rental Locations in USA
You can download the full list of National Car Rental locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Chicago O'hare International Airport (Ord) | 10255 W Zemke Blvd | Chicago | IL | 60666 | 833-856-0901 | 41.9926 | -87.8811 | 10255 W Zemke Blvd, Chicago, IL, 60666 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Casper-Natrona County Intl. Airport (Cpr) | 8500 Airport Pkwy | Casper | WY | 82604 | 833-200-7389 | 42.897768 | -106.463276 | 8500 Airport Pkwy, Casper, WY, 82604 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Cheyenne Regional Airport (Cys) | 4020 Airport Pkwy W | Cheyenne | WY | 82001 | 307-635-1909 | 41.152 | -104.8092 | 4020 Airport Pkwy W, Cheyenne, WY, 82001 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Jackson Hole Airport (Jac) | 1250 E Airport Rd | Jackson | WY | 83001 | 844-934-1078 | 43.6037 | -110.7362 | 1250 E Airport Rd, Jackson, WY, 83001 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Livermore | 3569 First St | Livermore | CA | 94551 | 888-826-6890 | 37.68849 | -121.75712 | 3569 First St, Livermore, CA, 94551 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Chicago Loop W. Lasalle St | 203 N La Salle St | Chicago | IL | 60601 | 800-227-7368 | 41.885819 | -87.632451 | 203 N La Salle St, Chicago, IL, 60601 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Juneau International Airport (Jnu) | 1873 Shell Simmons Dr Ste 104 | Juneau | AK | 99801 | 844-913-0742 | 58.359499 | -134.583673 | 1873 Shell Simmons Dr Ste 104, Juneau, AK, 99801 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Anchorage Intl Airport (Anc) | 5000 W International Airport Rd | Anchorage | AK | 99502 | 844-914-1557 | 61.1734 | -149.9816 | 5000 W International Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK, 99502 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Fairbanks International Airport (Fai) | 6450 Airport Way | Fairbanks | AK | 99709 | 833-823-5645 | 64.81927 | -147.86788 | 6450 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK, 99709 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
Mobile Regional Airport (Mob) | 8400 Airport Blvd | Mobile | AL | 36608 | 844-370-1078 | 30.677542 | -88.24037 | 8400 Airport Blvd, Mobile, AL, 36608 | USA | 2024-04-04 |
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