Number of Nando's restaurants in the United Kingdom in 2023
How many Nando's restaurants are there in the United Kingdom?
There are 465 Nando's restaurants in the United Kingdom as of December 06, 2023. The country with the most number of Nando's locations in the UK is England, with 409 restaurants, which is about 88% of all Nando's restaurants in the UK.
How can I download a list of Nando's restaurants in the United Kingdom into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 465 Nando's locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 4 Countries with the most Nando's restaurants
409 (88%)
A restaurant for every 137,621 people, in England with about 88% of the total number of Nando's restaurants
32 (7%)
A restaurant for every 170,719 people, in Scotland with about 7% of the total number of Nando's restaurants
15 (3%)
A restaurant for every 210,200 people, in Wales with about 3% of the total number of Nando's restaurants
Country | Number of restaurants | Population | Population per restaurant |
England | 409 (88%) | 56.29M | 137.62K |
Scotland | 32 (7%) | 5.46M | 170.72K |
Wales | 15 (3%) | 3.15M | 210.20K |
Northern Ireland | 9 (2%) | 1.89M | 210.44K |
There are Nando's restaurants in 4 countries in the United Kingdom
Countries without any Nando's restaurants
These countries do not have any Nando's restaurants
- Channel Islands
- Isle of Man
There are 2 countries without Nando's restaurants in the United Kingdom
Cities with the most number of Nando's restaurants in the United Kingdom
City | Country | Number of Locations |
London | England | 78 |
Greater London | England | 50 |
West Midlands | England | 22 |
West Yorkshire | England | 15 |
Essex | England | 14 |
Greater Manchester | England | 14 |
Kent | England | 12 |
Manchester | England | 10 |
Hampshire | England | 10 |
Hertfordshire | England | 9 |
Nando's vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Nando's | vs | Greggs | 2,269 (+1,804 locations than Nando's) | 4 (Same as Nando's) | 1,173 (+1,078 cities than Nando's) |
Nando's | vs | Subway | 2,158 (+1,693 locations than Nando's) | 4 (Same as Nando's) | 781 (+686 cities than Nando's) |
Nando's | vs | McDonald's | 1,451 (+986 locations than Nando's) | 6 (+2 states than Nando's) | 757 (+662 cities than Nando's) |
Nando's | vs | Starbucks | 1,320 (+855 locations than Nando's) | 5 (+1 states than Nando's) | 517 (+422 cities than Nando's) |
Nando's | vs | Dominos | 1,274 (+809 locations than Nando's) | 6 (+2 states than Nando's) | 748 (+653 cities than Nando's) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Nando's with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Nando's Locations in UK
You can download the full list of Nando's locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Country | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Last Updated Date |
Wembley | 420-422 High Rd Wembley | Greater London | England | HA9 6AH | 020 8795 3564 | 51.553772 | -0.291527 | 420-422 High Rd Wembley, Greater London, England, HA9 6AH | 2023-12-06 |
St Andrews | 73 Market St St Andrews | Fife | Scotland | KY16 6NU | 01334 467807 | 56.340488 | -2.794799 | 73 Market St St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, KY16 6NU | 2023-12-06 |
Bournemouth - Bh2 | Exeter Cres Unit Ug10 Bh2 Bournemouth Bournemouth | Dorset | England | BH2 5AU | 01202 296096 | 50.7187903 | -1.8787582 | Exeter Cres Unit Ug10 Bh2 Bournemouth Bournemouth, Dorset, England, BH2 5AU | 2023-12-06 |
Bristol - Park Street | 49 Park St | Bristol | England | BS1 5NT | 0117 929 9263 | 51.454408 | -2.602837 | 49 Park St, Bristol, England, BS1 5NT | 2023-12-06 |
Weston - Super - Mare | 1 Central Walk Weston-Super-Mare | Somerset | England | BS23 1FF | 01934 416532 | 51.345915 | -2.978627 | 1 Central Walk Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, England, BS23 1FF | 2023-12-06 |
Yate | Link Rd Unit R2 Yate Shopping Centre Yate | Gloucestershire | England | BS37 4AS | 01454 312504 | 51.539583 | -2.408309 | Link Rd Unit R2 Yate Shopping Centre Yate, Gloucestershire, England, BS37 4AS | 2023-12-06 |
Brentwood | 101 High St Brentwood | Essex | England | CM14 4RR | 01277 230098 | 51.619911 | 0.299896 | 101 High St Brentwood, Essex, England, CM14 4RR | 2023-12-06 |
Beckton | 3 Armada Way Unit 29 Gallions Reach Shopping Park Beckton | Greater London | England | E6 7ER | 020 7474 9185 | 51.515734 | 0.077081 | 3 Armada Way Unit 29 Gallions Reach Shopping Park Beckton, Greater London, England, E6 7ER | 2023-12-06 |
South Woodford | 89-90 High Road | London | England | E18 2NA | 020 3985 5500 | 51.595482 | 0.022253 | 89-90 High Road, London, England, E18 2NA | 2023-12-06 |
Woking | 24 Chertsey Rd Woking | Surrey | England | GU21 5AB | 01483 765989 | 51.31974 | -0.556411 | 24 Chertsey Rd Woking, Surrey, England, GU21 5AB | 2023-12-06 |
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