Number of Moores stores in Canada in 2024
How many Moores stores are there in Canada?
There are 109 Moores stores in Canada as of August 14, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Moores locations in Canada is Ontario, with 51 stores, which is about 47% of all Moores stores in Canada.
How can I download a list of Moores stores in Canada into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 109 Moores locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 Provinces and Territories with the most Moores stores
51 (47%)
A store for every 283,275 people, in Ontario with about 47% of the total number of Moores stores
15 (14%)
A store for every 562,200 people, in Quebec with about 14% of the total number of Moores stores
British Columbia
14 (13%)
A store for every 358,571 people, in British Columbia with about 13% of the total number of Moores stores
Province / Territory | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
Ontario | 51 (47%) | 14.45M | 283.27K |
Quebec | 15 (14%) | 8.43M | 562.20K |
British Columbia | 14 (13%) | 5.02M | 358.57K |
Alberta | 13 (12%) | 4.35M | 334.31K |
Manitoba | 5 (5%) | 1.36M | 272.00K |
Nova Scotia | 4 (4%) | 965.00K | 241.25K |
New Brunswick | 3 (3%) | 772.00K | 257.33K |
Saskatchewan | 2 (2%) | 1.17M | 584.00K |
Newfoundland and Labrador | 1 (1%) | 524.00K | 524.00K |
Prince Edward Island | 1 (1%) | 155.00K | 155.00K |
There are Moores stores in 10 provinces and territories in Canada
Provinces and Territories without any Moores stores
These provinces and territories do not have any Moores stores
- Yukon
- Nunavut
- Northwest Territories
There are 3 provinces and territories without Moores stores in Canada
Cities with the most number of Moores stores in Canada
City | Province / Territory | Number of Locations |
Calgary | Alberta | 5 |
Edmonton | Alberta | 4 |
Winnipeg | Manitoba | 4 |
Ottawa | Ontario | 4 |
Mississauga | Ontario | 3 |
Victoria | British Columbia | 2 |
Oakville | Ontario | 2 |
Toronto | Ontario | 2 |
Halifax | Nova Scotia | 2 |
Kitchener | Ontario | 2 |
Moores vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Moores | vs | Columbia Sportswear | 1,351 (+1,242 locations than Moores) | 10 (Same as Moores) | 418 (+333 cities than Moores) |
Moores | vs | Spy Optic | 370 (+261 locations than Moores) | 8 ( -2 states than Moores) | 205 (+120 cities than Moores) |
Moores | vs | Tissot | 194 (+85 locations than Moores) | 10 (Same as Moores) | 105 (+20 cities than Moores) |
Moores | vs | Canada Goose | 179 (+70 locations than Moores) | 13 (+3 states than Moores) | 114 (+29 cities than Moores) |
Moores | vs | Rickis | 116 (+7 locations than Moores) | 8 ( -2 states than Moores) | 79 ( -6 cities than Moores) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Moores with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Moores Locations in Canada
You can download the full list of Moores locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | Province / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Lebourgneuf | 200 Rue Bouvier Suite 200 | Lebourgneuf | QC | G2J 1R8 | 1 418-682-2772 | 46.843636 | -71.2737 | 200 Rue Bouvier Suite 200, Lebourgneuf, QC, G2J 1R8 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Edmonton East | 13808 40th Street Nw | Edmonton | AB | T5Y 3E6 | 1 780-463-3301 | 53.599431 | -113.404161 | 13808 40th Street Nw, Edmonton, AB, T5Y 3E6 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Sault St. Marie | 524 Great Nothern Road | Sault Ste Marie | ON | P6B 4Z9 | 1 705-942-9020 | 46.542892 | -84.317917 | 524 Great Nothern Road, Sault Ste Marie, ON, P6B 4Z9 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Laval | 1793 Boul St Martin Ouest | Laval | QC | H7S 1N2 | 1 450-686-2457 | 45.567461 | -73.730489 | 1793 Boul St Martin Ouest, Laval, QC, H7S 1N2 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
North Bay | 850 Mckeown Ave Bldg B Unit 2 | North Bay | ON | P1B 8M1 | 1 705-474-8038 | 46.3323 | -79.47413 | 850 Mckeown Ave Bldg B Unit 2, North Bay, ON, P1B 8M1 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Dartmouth - N.S | 87 Gale Terrace | Dartmouth | NS | B3B 0C4 | 1 902-465-6163 | 44.698181 | -63.563858 | 87 Gale Terrace, Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0C4 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
North Vancouver | 333 Brooks Bank Ave | North Vancouver | BC | V7J 3S8 | 1 604-983-3121 | 49.31015 | -123.041381 | 333 Brooks Bank Ave, North Vancouver, BC, V7J 3S8 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Brampton North | 30 Great Lakes Drive Unit 107 | Brampton | ON | L6R 2K7 | 1 905-789-8989 | 43.732206 | -79.764506 | 30 Great Lakes Drive Unit 107, Brampton, ON, L6R 2K7 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Saint Leonard | 6835 Rue Jean Talon Est | Saint Leonard | QC | H1S 1N2 | 1 514-253-6555 | 45.595739 | -73.572503 | 6835 Rue Jean Talon Est, Saint Leonard, QC, H1S 1N2 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
Surrey | 10070 152nd Street | Surrey | BC | V3R 8X8 | 1 604-584-0800 | 49.185478 | -122.800536 | 10070 152nd Street, Surrey, BC, V3R 8X8 | Canada | 2024-08-14 |
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