Number of Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom in 2024

April 09, 2024

How many Marks & Spencer stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 1,060 Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom as of April 09, 2024. The country with the most number of Marks & Spencer locations in the UK is England, with 910 stores, which is about 86% of all Marks & Spencer stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 1,060 Marks & Spencer locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Countries with the most Marks & Spencer stores


910 (86%)

A store for every 61,854 people, in England with about 86% of the total number of Marks & Spencer stores


101 (10%)

A store for every 54,089 people, in Scotland with about 10% of the total number of Marks & Spencer stores


26 (2%)

A store for every 121,269 people, in Wales with about 2% of the total number of Marks & Spencer stores

Country Number of stores Population Population per store
England 910 (86%) 56.29M 61.85K
Scotland 101 (10%) 5.46M 54.09K
Wales 26 (2%) 3.15M 121.27K
Northern Ireland 22 (2%) 1.89M 86.09K
Isle of Man (0%) 85.00K 85.00K

Countries without any Marks & Spencer stores

These countries do not have any Marks & Spencer stores

  • Channel Islands

There are 1 countries without Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Marks & Spencer stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
London England 92
Glasgow Scotland 17
Manchester England 14
Birmingham England 13
Leeds England 11
Edinburgh Scotland 11
Reading England 9
Bristol England 9
Cambridge England 7
Guildford England 6

Download the complete database of Marks & Spencer Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Marks & Spencer locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Gledrid A5 Bp Simply Food Gledrid Roundabout Oswestry England SY11 3EN 52.913643 -3.042917 Gledrid Roundabout, Oswestry, England, SY11 3EN 2024-04-09
Westhill Simply Food 18 Westhill Shopping Centre Old Skene Road Skene Scotland AB32 6RL 01224 744651 57.15386 -2.27843 18 Westhill Shopping Centre, Old Skene Road Skene, Scotland, AB32 6RL 2024-04-09
Coleraine Riverside Castleroe Road Coleraine Northern Ireland BT51 3AW 028 7044 0973 55.11989 -6.6783 Castleroe Road, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, BT51 3AW 2024-04-09
Ballymena The Fairhill Shopping Centre Broughshane Street Ballymena Northern Ireland BT43 6UG 028 2565 1129 54.86956 -6.27628 The Fairhill Shopping Centre, Broughshane Street Ballymena, Northern Ireland, BT43 6UG 2024-04-09
Belfast Boucher Rd Simply Food Unit 8 Balmoral Plaza Boucher Road Belfast Northern Ireland BT12 6HR 028 9066 4206 54.581516 -5.95952 Unit 8 Balmoral Plaza Boucher Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT12 6HR 2024-04-09
Budbrooke South Bp South Bound Service Area Warwick England CV35 8RH 52.279074 -1.612357 South Bound Service Area, Warwick, England, CV35 8RH 2024-04-09
Nantwich Simply Food Beam Street Nantwich England CW5 5LY 01270 629548 53.068891 -2.518776 Beam Street, Nantwich, England, CW5 5LY 2024-04-09
Bullionfield Bp Perth Road A90 Invergowie Dundee Scotland Scotland DD2 5EG 56.45703 -3.02741 Perth Road A90 Invergowie, Dundee Scotland, Scotland, DD2 5EG 2024-04-09
Highway Bp Mollison Ave Enfield England EN3 7NT 51.66346 -0.027539 Mollison Ave, Enfield, England, EN3 7NT 2024-04-09
Heswall Simply Food 126-136 Telegraph Road Heswall Merseyside England CH60 0AH 0151 348 4356 53.32724 -3.09538 126-136 Telegraph Road Heswall, Merseyside, England, CH60 0AH 2024-04-09

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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