Number of KTM dealerships in India in 2024
How many KTM dealerships are there in India?
There are 462 KTM dealerships in India as of September 04, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of KTM locations in India is Tamil Nadu, with 56 dealerships, which is about 12% of all KTM dealerships in India.
How can I download a list of KTM dealerships in India into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 462 KTM locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most KTM dealerships
Tamil Nadu
56 (12%)
A dealership for every 1,390,018 people, in Tamil Nadu with about 12% of the total number of KTM dealerships
47 (10%)
A dealership for every 2,620,085 people, in Maharashtra with about 10% of the total number of KTM dealerships
39 (8%)
A dealership for every 1,732,385 people, in Karnataka with about 8% of the total number of KTM dealerships
State / Territory | Number of dealerships | Population | Population per dealership |
Tamil Nadu | 56 (12%) | 77.84M | 1.39M |
Maharashtra | 47 (10%) | 123.14M | 2.62M |
Karnataka | 39 (8%) | 67.56M | 1.73M |
Kerala | 34 (7%) | 35.70M | 1.05M |
Uttar Pradesh | 29 (6%) | 237.88M | 8.20M |
West Bengal | 26 (6%) | 99.61M | 3.83M |
Andhra Pradesh | 25 (5%) | 53.90M | 2.16M |
Telangana | 24 (5%) | 38.51M | 1.60M |
Gujarat | 23 (5%) | 63.87M | 2.78M |
Bihar | 21 (5%) | 124.80M | 5.94M |
There are KTM dealerships in 38 states and territories in India
States and Territories without any KTM dealerships
These states and territories do not have any KTM dealerships
- Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
- Ladakh
- Lakshadweep
There are 3 states and territories without KTM dealerships in India
Cities with the most number of KTM dealerships in India
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Mumbai | Maharashtra | 12 |
Hyderabad | Telangana | 11 |
Bengaluru (Karnataka) | Karnataka | 8 |
Pune | Maharashtra | 8 |
New Delhi | Delhi | 7 |
Chennai - (Tamilnadu) | Tamil Nadu | 6 |
Kolkata | West Bengal | 5 |
Patna | Bihar | 4 |
Bengaluru | Karnataka | 4 |
Chennai (Tamilnadu) | Tamil Nadu | 4 |
Download the complete database of KTM Locations in India
You can download the full list of KTM locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Trichy Ktm | 28/1 Evr Road Cross Road Puthur Tamil Nadu | Trichy | Tamil Nadu | 620017 | 094890 84881 | 10.81244 | 78.675323 | 28/1 Evr Road Cross Road Puthur Tamil Nadu, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, 620017 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Gharchuk Ktm | Nh 37 Garchuk Near Poddar Car World | Guwahati | Assam | 781035 | 081330 50026 | 26.115089 | 91.72905 | Nh 37 Garchuk Near Poddar Car World, Guwahati, Assam, 781035 | India | 2024-09-04 |
8th Mile Ktm | 16 Near Nagasandra Metro Station Tumkur Main Road 8th Mile | Bengaluru (Karnataka) | Karnataka | 560073 | 090350 50632 | 13.046682 | 77.504237 | 16 Near Nagasandra Metro Station Tumkur Main Road 8th Mile, Bengaluru (Karnataka), Karnataka, 560073 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Bg Road Ktm | Near Royal Meenakshi Mall Opp Loyola College Bannerghatta Road | Bengaluru - (Karnataka) | Karnataka | 560076 | 080 2643 2226 | 12.86512 | 77.590317 | Near Royal Meenakshi Mall Opp Loyola College Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru - (Karnataka), Karnataka, 560076 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Hoskote Ktm | Yashas Arcade 1/2 1st Floor Air Extension Old Madras Road Near Gef Eye | Hoskote - (Karnataka) | Karnataka | 562114 | 095380 94222 | 13.068052 | 77.78011 | Yashas Arcade 1/2 1st Floor Air Extension Old Madras Road Near Gef Eye, Hoskote - (Karnataka), Karnataka, 562114 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Mangalore Ktm | Maya Deepa Pandith House Peramanuru Village | Mangalore (Karnataka) | Karnataka | 575017 | 099000 83342 | 12.820236 | 74.872696 | Maya Deepa Pandith House Peramanuru Village, Mangalore (Karnataka), Karnataka, 575017 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Faridkot Ktm | Near Old Bus Stand Punjab | Faridkot | Punjab | 151203 | 085560 00039 | 30.67618 | 74.755913 | Near Old Bus Stand Punjab, Faridkot, Punjab, 151203 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Mettupalayam Ktm | No 6 Coonoor Road Behind Sm Hospital | Ooty (Tamilnadu) | Tamil Nadu | 643001 | 087540 44855 | 11.40645 | 76.713402 | No 6 Coonoor Road Behind Sm Hospital, Ooty (Tamilnadu), Tamil Nadu, 643001 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Adyar Ktm | 24/3 Sardar Patel Road Southern Part Ground Floor Adyar | Chennai (Tamilnadu) | Tamil Nadu | 600020 | 044 2441 7272 | 13.00195 | 80.254669 | 24/3 Sardar Patel Road Southern Part Ground Floor Adyar, Chennai (Tamilnadu), Tamil Nadu, 600020 | India | 2024-09-04 |
Rajpur Road Ktm | 93 Rajpur Road | Dehradun | Uttarakhand | 248001 | 30.33536 | 78.053879 | 93 Rajpur Road, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, 248001 | India | 2024-09-04 |
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