Number of Fulton's Foods retail stores in the United Kingdom in 2020

November 27, 2020

How many Fulton's Foods retail stores are there in the United Kingdom?

There are 96 Fulton's Foods retail stores in the United Kingdom as of November 27, 2020. The country with the most number of Fulton's Foods locations in the UK is England, with 96 retail stores, which is about 100% of all Fulton's Foods retail stores in the UK.


How can I download a list of Fulton's Foods retail stores in the United Kingdom into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 96 Fulton's Foods locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Countries without any Fulton's Foods retail stores

These countries do not have any Fulton's Foods retail stores

  • Channel Islands
  • Isle of Man
  • Wales
  • Scotland
  • Northern Ireland

There are 5 countries without Fulton's Foods retail stores in the United Kingdom

Cities with the most number of Fulton's Foods retail stores in the United Kingdom

City Country Number of Locations
Leeds England 13
Sheffield England 10
Hull England 5
Barnsley England 5
Doncaster England 5
Harrogate England 2
Worksop England 2
Scunthorpe England 2
Nottingham England 2
Wakefield England 2

Download the complete database of Fulton's Foods Locations in UK

You can download the full list of Fulton's Foods locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Country Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Last Updated Date
Barnsley, Market Street Fultons Foods 21 Market Street Barnsley England S70 1SL 53.551857 -1.481142 Fultons Foods 21 Market Street, Barnsley, England, S70 1SL 2020-11-27
Royston Fultons Foods 129 Midland Road Royston England S71 4PX 53.600988 -1.446975 Fultons Foods 129 Midland Road, Royston, England, S71 4PX 2020-11-27
Cudworth Fultons Foods Barnsley Rd Cudworth Barnsley England S72 8SY 53.578404 -1.415375 Fultons Foods Barnsley Rd Cudworth, Barnsley, England, S72 8SY 2020-11-27
Wombwell Fultons Foods 48 High Street Wombwell Barnsley England S73 8BH 53.523365 -1.399458 Fultons Foods 48 High Street Wombwell, Barnsley, England, S73 8BH 2020-11-27
Hoyland Fultons Foods 6b Market Street Hoyland Barnsley England S74 9QR 53.501021 -1.438439 Fultons Foods 6b Market Street Hoyland, Barnsley, England, S74 9QR 2020-11-27
Kendray Fultons Foods Birk Avenue Kendray England S70 3AH 53.541048 -1.449404 Fultons Foods Birk Avenue, Kendray, England, S70 3AH 2020-11-27
Athersley Fultons Foods Units 9/10 The Laithes Shopping Centre Athersley Barnsley England S71 3AB 53.579195 -1.478743 Fultons Foods Units 9/10 The Laithes Shopping Centre Athersley, Barnsley, England, S71 3AB 2020-11-27
Batley Fultons Foods 70 Commercial Street Batley England WF17 5DS 53.714066 -1.63216 Fultons Foods 70 Commercial Street, Batley, England, WF17 5DS 2020-11-27
Westhoughton Fultons Foods 7/8 Pavilion Square Westhoughton Bolton England BL5 3AJ 53.548145 -2.523451 Fultons Foods 7/8 Pavilion Square Westhoughton, Bolton, England, BL5 3AJ 2020-11-27
Hornsea 67 Newbegin Hornsea England HU18 1PA 53.91187 -0.168746 67 Newbegin, Hornsea, England, HU18 1PA 2020-11-27

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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