Number of Circle K stores in the United States in 2024
How many Circle K stores are there in the United States?
There are 6,958 Circle K stores in the United States as of June 24, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Circle K locations in the US is Florida, with 945 stores, which is about 14% of all Circle K stores in the US.
How can I download a list of Circle K stores in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 6,958 Circle K locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
Download DatasetTop 10 States and Territories with the most Circle K stores
945 (14%)
A store for every 22,728 people, in Florida with about 14% of the total number of Circle K stores
750 (11%)
A store for every 38,661 people, in Texas with about 11% of the total number of Circle K stores
618 (9%)
A store for every 11,778 people, in Arizona with about 9% of the total number of Circle K stores
State / Territory | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
Florida | 945 (14%) | 21.48M | 22.73K |
Texas | 750 (11%) | 29.00M | 38.66K |
Arizona | 618 (9%) | 7.28M | 11.78K |
California | 431 (6%) | 39.51M | 91.67K |
Georgia | 390 (6%) | 10.62M | 27.22K |
Illinois | 369 (5%) | 12.67M | 34.34K |
North Carolina | 369 (5%) | 10.49M | 28.42K |
Minnesota | 336 (5%) | 5.64M | 16.79K |
Ohio | 276 (4%) | 11.69M | 42.35K |
South Carolina | 262 (4%) | 5.15M | 19.65K |
There are Circle K stores in 46 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Circle K stores
These states and territories do not have any Circle K stores
- Kansas
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Puerto Rico
- Nebraska
- Utah
- Oklahoma
- District of Columbia
- American Samoa
- Guam
There are 10 states and territories without Circle K stores in the United States
Cities with the most number of Circle K stores in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Phoenix | Arizona | 158 |
San Antonio | Texas | 148 |
Tucson | Arizona | 93 |
Houston | Texas | 73 |
El Paso | Texas | 71 |
Charlotte | North Carolina | 57 |
Jacksonville | Florida | 57 |
Mesa | Arizona | 49 |
Albuquerque | New Mexico | 49 |
Baton Rouge | Louisiana | 48 |
Circle K vs competitors
Number of locations | Number of States | Number of cities | |||
Circle K | vs | 7-Eleven | 9,402 (+2,444 locations than Circle K) | 38 ( -8 states than Circle K) | 2,365 (+69 cities than Circle K) |
Circle K | vs | Alimentation Couche Tard | 6,407 ( -551 locations than Circle K) | 44 ( -2 states than Circle K) | 2,193 ( -103 cities than Circle K) |
Circle K | vs | Speedway | 3,231 ( -3,727 locations than Circle K) | 36 ( -10 states than Circle K) | 1,556 ( -740 cities than Circle K) |
Circle K | vs | Casey's | 2,671 ( -4,287 locations than Circle K) | 17 ( -29 states than Circle K) | 1,540 ( -756 cities than Circle K) |
Circle K | vs | EG America | 1,539 ( -5,419 locations than Circle K) | 28 ( -18 states than Circle K) | 876 ( -1,420 cities than Circle K) |
If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Circle K with any other company, please contact our sales team
Download the complete database of Circle K Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Circle K locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Circle K, 15528 State Hwy 59 | 15528 State Hwy 59 | Foley | AL | 36535 | 30.450341 | -87.683849 | 15528 State Hwy 59, Foley, AL, 36535 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 431 & College Dr | 431 & College Dr | Phenix City | AL | 36869 | 32.428549 | -85.030945 | 431 & College Dr, Phenix City, AL, 36869 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Kangaroo Express, 716 S Cherry St | 716 S Cherry St | Talladega | AL | 35160 | 33.425622 | -86.096732 | 716 S Cherry St, Talladega, AL, 35160 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 12245 Us 231 431 N | 12245 Us 231 431 N | Meridianville | AL | 35759 | 256-964-9165 | 34.869553 | -86.571847 | 12245 Us 231 431 N, Meridianville, AL, 35759 | USA | 2024-06-24 |
Circle K, 3930 Atlanta Hwy | 3930 Atlanta Hwy | Montgomery | AL | 36109 | 334-604-0997 | 32.382431 | -86.245504 | 3930 Atlanta Hwy, Montgomery, AL, 36109 | USA | 2024-06-24 |
Circle K, Memorial Pkwy & Wells Rd | Memorial Pkwy & Wells Rd | Huntsville | AL | 35759 | 34.8511 | -86.57169 | Memorial Pkwy & Wells Rd, Huntsville, AL, 35759 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 274-310 MId State Truck Plz | 274-310 MId State Truck Plz | North Little Rock | AR | 72117 | 34.780435 | -92.204232 | 274-310 MId State Truck Plz, North Little Rock, AR, 72117 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 6317 W Markham St | 6317 W Markham St | Little Rock | AR | 72205 | 34.75211 | -92.3451 | 6317 W Markham St, Little Rock, AR, 72205 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 10200 N Rodney Parham Rd | 10200 N Rodney Parham Rd | Little Rock | AR | 72227 | 34.766806 | -92.387165 | 10200 N Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR, 72227 | USA | 2024-06-24 | |
Circle K, 7751 W Parks Hwy | 7751 W Parks Hwy | Wasilla | AK | 99623 | 61.57925 | -149.645553 | 7751 W Parks Hwy, Wasilla, AK, 99623 | USA | 2024-06-24 |
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