Number of Aurelia stores in India in 2024

Published on May 19, 2022 | Last updated on March 28, 2024

How many Aurelia stores are there in India?

There are 371 Aurelia stores in India as of March 28, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Aurelia locations in India is Maharashtra, with 38 stores, which is about 10% of all Aurelia stores in India.


How can I download a list of Aurelia stores in India into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 371 Aurelia locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Aurelia stores


38 (10%)

A store for every 3,240,632 people, in Maharashtra with about 10% of the total number of Aurelia stores

Uttar Pradesh

34 (9%)

A store for every 6,996,559 people, in Uttar Pradesh with about 9% of the total number of Aurelia stores


33 (9%)

A store for every 567,000 people, in Delhi with about 9% of the total number of Aurelia stores

State / Territory Number of stores Population Population per store
Maharashtra 38 (10%) 123.14M 3.24M
Uttar Pradesh 34 (9%) 237.88M 7.00M
Delhi 33 (9%) 18.71M 567.00K
Karnataka 29 (8%) 67.56M 2.33M
Haryana 24 (6%) 28.20M 1.18M
Tamil Nadu 23 (6%) 77.84M 3.38M
Gujarat 23 (6%) 63.87M 2.78M
West Bengal 19 (5%) 99.61M 5.24M
Punjab 18 (5%) 30.14M 1.67M
Telangana 17 (5%) 38.51M 2.27M

There are Aurelia stores in 34 states and territories in India

States and Territories without any Aurelia stores

These states and territories do not have any Aurelia stores

  • Nagaland
  • Mizoram
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Ladakh
  • Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu
  • Lakshadweep

There are 6 states and territories without Aurelia stores in India

Cities with the most number of Aurelia stores in India

City State / Territory Number of Locations
New Delhi Delhi 30
Mumbai Maharashtra 16
Hyderabad Telangana 14
Kolkata West Bengal 11
Chennai Tamil Nadu 11
Bengaluru Karnataka 10
Patna Bihar 8
Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 8
Pune Maharashtra 8
Bangalore Karnataka 8

Download the complete database of Aurelia Locations in India

You can download the full list of Aurelia locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City State / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
W Sirsa,Haryana Pnb Strori Bazar Ellenabad Sirsa Haryana 125055 29.533528 75.029639 Pnb Strori Bazar Ellenabad, Sirsa, Haryana, 125055 India 2024-03-28
W Gip Noida Ashok Margshop 42 Gf Great India Place Mallsector 38 Noida Uttar Pradesh 201301 28.567175 77.325669 Ashok Margshop 42 Gf Great India Place Mallsector 38, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201301 India 2024-03-28
W Mosque Road-Vv Mahal Tirupati Chittoor Vv Mahal Rd Hno 18-1-606/A Syno 455/2 Rev Ward 18bhavani Nagar Tirupathi Andhra Pradesh 517501 13.637146 79.420663 Vv Mahal Rd Hno 18-1-606/A Syno 455/2 Rev Ward 18bhavani Nagar, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh, 517501 India 2024-03-28
W Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh Court Rd7-277 Ground Floor Revenue Ward 7 Rahamat Nagar Anantapur Andhra Pradesh 515001 14.67996403 77.59349272 Court Rd7-277 Ground Floor Revenue Ward 7 Rahamat Nagar, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, 515001 India 2024-03-28
W Pvp Mall, Vijayawada Mg Rdshop 15-17 Second Floor Pvp Mall Labbipet Vijaywada Andhra Pradesh 520010 16.502328 80.642722 Mg Rdshop 15-17 Second Floor Pvp Mall Labbipet, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, 520010 India 2024-03-28
W Nellor Mini By Pass Andhra Mini Bypass Rd16/1980 Ground Floor Gv Complexvenkatramapuram Nellore Andhra Pradesh 524002 14.451456 79.98905 Mini Bypass Rd16/1980 Ground Floor Gv Complexvenkatramapuram, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, 524002 India 2024-03-28
W Daba Garden Vizag Main Rdshop 30-15-78daba Gardens Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh 530020 0891 666 0668 17.71776846 83.30243674 Main Rdshop 30-15-78daba Gardens, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 530020 India 2024-03-28
W Mg Road, Vijaywada Mg Rdbeside Jack & Jones Near D V Manor Hotel Vijaywada Andhra Pradesh 520010 16.499885 80.648859 Mg Rdbeside Jack & Jones Near D V Manor Hotel, Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, 520010 India 2024-03-28
Tcns-Srmt Mall, Kakinada-W Pithapuram - Kakinada Rdshop 205 82 Srmt Mall D No 4-21 82 Nh216lalitha Nagar Kakinada Andhra Pradesh 533005 16.998109 82.243552 Pithapuram - Kakinada Rdshop 205 82 Srmt Mall D No 4-21 82 Nh216lalitha Nagar, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, 533005 India 2024-03-28
W Main Road Kakinada Main Rdw479 D 13-01-24surya Rao Peta Kakinada Andhra Pradesh 533001 16.957339 82.235289 Main Rdw479 D 13-01-24surya Rao Peta, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, 533001 India 2024-03-28

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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