Complete list of all Walgreens pharmacy locations in the US with geocoded address, phone number, open hours, stock ticker etc for instant download.
This is a subsidiary of Walgreens Boots Alliance.
Walgreens pharmacy list on the map
Fields included in the Walgreens pharmacy location database
- Store No.
- Zip Code
- Status
- Name
- Phone
- Stock Ticker
- Provider
- Fax
- Street
- Open Hours
- SIC 1
- City
- Direction URL
- SIC 2
- County
- Latitude
- Updated Date
- State
- Longitude
- Banner
- Country
Included locations: Open
Mikael Söderlindh –
I recently purchased the Walgreens locations data set and was extremely impressed with the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the data. The dataset contained a wealth of information about each Walgreens location across the USA, including addresses, phone numbers, and opening hours. The data was easy to access and use, and allowed me to quickly and efficiently analyze Walgreens’ locations for business purposes. I highly recommend ScrapeHero’s data sets to anyone looking for accurate and reliable data!