4.9 rating out of 5 on Capterra
4.7 rating out of 5 on G2

News API

Get access to global news articles from 2000+ sources and analyze news data, search news data using different queries such as - News Sources, Date, Sentiment, categories, or any other search keywords.

A better alternative to Google News API, the ScrapeHero News API, extracts the news article metadata into a JSON, allowing you to easily search for news data.

News API

Search and Monitor News across thousands of sources

The News API monitors over 40,000 news articles from more than 2000 news websites worldwide continuously, access this news data easily using a REST API endpoint

  • Add new sources at a large scale
  • Build an App or Integrate our news data seamlessly


Analyze News based on Sentiment, Industry, Category, and more

The Standard News API can extract the news articles metadata while our custom AI/ML model tags and classifies them, allowing you to search and view relevant news articles easily

  • Access the publication, date, news text, and its underlying sentiment
  • Monitor news articles based on keyword, industry, and locations
  • Combine multiple filters to get specific data


Much more than just News

Our Custom News API can also provide “news” related content from various other sources, such as RSS feeds, Press releases, Public Social Media announcements specific to Businesses, Bulletin board type sites, Newsletters, Blogs, Research Papers, etc

  • Newsletters - Geography, Industry-specific data extraction
  • RSS Feeds, Bulletin Boards, Press Releases, Blogs, and more

API Integration

With just a few lines of code, you can integrate our API with your application and start receiving data as a JSON response.

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("get.scrapehero.com")

conn.request("GET", "/news-api/news/?x-api-key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX&q=Iphone&sentiment=Positive&start_date=2020-12-01&end_date=2020-12-03&source_id=277%2C4171&category_id=13010000%2C04018000")

res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()





Billed Monthly

  • 100 API calls per month
  • 60 API calls per minute
  • 1 concurrent API calls
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Billed Monthly

  • 100,000 API calls per month
  • 120 API calls per minute
  • 2 concurrent API calls
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Billed Monthly

  • 300,000 API calls per month
  • 240 API calls per minute
  • 4 concurrent API calls
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Billed Monthly

  • 500,000 API calls per month
  • 360 API calls per minute
  • 6 concurrent API calls
Login to Subscribe

A Trusted Source of Data

ScrapeHero is a Data company trusted by thousands of customers that range from some of the world’s most loved, biggest and popular brands to startups trying to scale.

We do not publish customer names and logos for privacy and contractual reasons, but here is a select sample of our customer profiles represented in a manner so as not to reveal their identity

A Trusted Source of Data

Top 5 Global Financial Company


Top 5 US Healthcare Company


Top 5 Global FMCG Conglomerate


Top 5 Global Retailer


Top 5 Global Management Consulting


Big 4 Accounting Firm


Top 5 Global Hotel Chain


Top 5 Global Energy Company


Top 5 Global Media Company

Frequently asked questions

Can I modify or cancel the plan anytime?

Sure, you can modify or cancel your plan at any time. Click on the Billing tab to change your plan.

What happens to my unused credits when I cancel?

If you cancel, you’ll be billed for the current month, but you won’t be charged again. If you have any page credits, you can still use our service until it reaches its limit.

What happens to my unused quotas at the end of each billing period?

All our Crawler page quotas and API quotas reset at the end of the billing period. Any unused credits do not carry over to the next billing period and also are nonrefundable. This is consistent with most software subscription services.

The API or Crawler is not returning the data I need

Our APIs or Crawlers only automate the process of extracting the data that's already on the website and is extractable. If the information isn't on the website or is in a format that is not extractable, we will not be able to get it for you at all.

e.g. If you need emails from a website and the website does not have emails, it is fairly obvious that even though you need the emails, we cant make them up.

How much time will it take to build a custom API?

Normally it will take 3-5 business days to build a custom API endpoint. However, this may vary according to the complexity of the site and the proposed business logic.